Ah. How refreshing it is to take the time to create a new website to showcase new and old work. This might be my 7th website with the same URL. I’ve come a long way from hand coding all those container DIVs in a table.
There’s some new work from Boston Dynamics. I’ve been working with Switch Embassy and James Linehan on it for the past 2-3 years but finally we can talk about it. During this time, Hyundai acquired the controlling interest of Boston Dynamics from SoftBank, so we had a suspicion that the internal presentations we were building might have been related. The main robot, Stretch, is fully public since its debut at the MODEX conference and automated warehouses will never be the same again. (link)
I’ve learned a bit more about Cinema 4D, especially about Redshift rendering and what a blessing 24-hour render farms are. My foray into new software doesn’t stop there. My friend Lauren Wang and I are starting a new project. We’re dipping our fingers into Unreal.