Oxygen Forensic Detective branded ar app

Made at Oxygen/NeoPangea. 2017
Jimmy Wentz - Creative Director, Multi-platform Design at Oxygen
Natalie To - Sr. Multiplatform Motion Designer at Oxygen
Tiffany Pilgrim - Art Director, Multiplatform Design at Oxygen
Nancy Mazzei - SVP, Creative Marketing at Oxygen
Aimee Viles - SVP, Emerging Media at Oxygen
Tony Carbone - SVP, Digital Media at Oxygen
Brett Bagenstose - Creative Director at NeoPangea
Matt Marsters - Art Director at NeoPangea
Phil Krick - Producer at NeoPangea
Shane Hoffa - Tech Director at NeoPangea


Launched at the 2017 Crime Con convention in Nashville, the Forensic Detective AR app effectively used tried-and-true storytelling methods to bring innovative technology to life and promote the Oxygen brand.


Apple twice featured Forensic Detective, the gold standard in AR entertainment, in the Today tab and invited it to an exclusive press event. The app quickly rose to #2 in Entertainment, just behind Netflix.

tape yellow →

Brand colors, fonts and animation styles helped connected many of the parts together visually.

←juicy storyline

Oxygen fans know that all good shows start with a vic. The app’s story tied into the Nashville CrimeCon convention in 2017.