Niseko Central is a popular mountain resort located in Niseko, Hokkaido, Japan. Niseko Central wanted to feature all the wonderful things that you can do on the mountain in both summer and winter.


The resort was thrilled and had no notes.

Concept, storyboards, animation, some illustration - Natalie To.
Client - Niseko Central.
Account Manager - Acme Wu.
Music Composition - Sandblast Productions


Niseko Central was a new luxury mountain resort located in Hokkaido, Japan. They wanted to feature all the other things that you can do on the mountain in a beautiful Japanese watercolor animation.

Tools & Skills

  • beautiful frame by frame animation with custom vector illustrations

  • working with sound designers and mix


Created cute moments of whimsical delight add to the beauty of this piece.


←Character animations

Insect, animal and human character animations were made of custom vector illustrations.


←problem solving

Unexpected and delightful moments, like a crab climbing into the Onsen, were cleverly integrated into the animation.
He gingerly climbs in for a soak not realizing that he IS the gourmet cuisine.

The client also wanted to specifically highlight their cows, so the carton of milk was a clever solution.

Niseko transforms between summer and winter.
In summer, the mountain is popular with the Japanese. In Winter, tourists completely transform the sleepy mountain resort town.

What do you think? are we a match?