MARK OF A KILLER SHOW social posts

Mark of a Killer is a docuseries that examines six brutal serial killers through the bizarre trophies, identifying marks, or clues they left on their victims' bodies. We had a photoshoot that represented the obsessive nature of their crimes. The images were used in social posts on Instagram. We pulled quote from the episodes.

The i-5 strangler

Roger Kibbe raped and cut his victims’ clothing in strange ritual.

The killer kept his victim’s jewelry and was known as the Dating Game Killer.

The dating game killer

The killer hired models to photograph them and then kill them. The actual number of victims is unknown. His collection of photos number in the thousands.

He was first seen on the TV show, The Dating Game. He won the date, but in the end, the girl refused to actually go out on a date with him.

The eyeball killer

The killer carefully sliced out the victim’s eyes with an Exact-O blade. As a child, his adopted mother refused to let him purchase the expensive glass eyes for his taxidermy passion.

Mark of a Killer Instagram posts

These posts were made with actual evidence photos.

The gainesville ripper

The brutal killer terrorizes a college campus.

The last call killer

The last call killer disposed of his dismembered victims in garbage bags.